Becoming the best version of ourselves
Your sense of self is ever-changing, not static. There’s the person you are at home, which is likely different from who you are at work or school. How you act and present yourself in public may be quite different from how you are with loved ones. But which one is your best self?
Learning how to be true to yourself is an age-old struggle. You may feel that your mind, body, and heart tell you to act one way, but society demands you to act differently. But exploring your authentic self can teach you how to be true to yourself in a relationship, to be comfortable in your own skin, and to live the life of your dreams. Putting in the work can be overwhelming, but it’s worth it in the long run. That’s why we put together these tips on how to be the best version of yourself.

What does it mean to be the best version of yourself?
Being your best self means living authentically. To be your best self, you need to stay true to yourself and your values. You also need to make sure you’re doing what brings you a sense of happiness, purpose and meaning. Being your best self isn’t dependent on life being smooth or perfect — it’s about what you can control.
Strategies to help you become the best version of yourself

- Don’t delay:- The first step to doing anything worthwhile is beginning. And while it can be quite challenging to make that initial leap, without kicking off the process, you won’t get anywhere.
- Prioritize what matters to you — not others:- You’ll never feel fulfilled if you live trying to meet someone else’s expectations. Instead, channel your effort and energy toward what matters to you. That may be your family, travel, or reading a good book regularly. Only you can determine what’s most important to your happiness and sense of purpose in life. Spend time around people who encourage positive self talk and make you feel good about yourself.
- Don’t sweat the small stuff:- Unexpected events will undoubtedly arise as you go through life. You’ll make errors and embarrass yourself. That’s okay. Learn from your mistakes and setbacks and be grateful for the progress you’re making.
- Accept help from others:- Your pride can hold you back from accepting praise and evolving. Try to work against this, and accept help rather than denying it. There’s no need to travel the road to find your best self alone. Better up coaches are here to help keep you accountable and provide the perspective you need to carry on when the going gets tough.
- Take a break from social media:- Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and even LinkedIn are deeply embedded in our lives. But even as social media keeps us connected and informed, it can lead to comparison and self-doubt. If you find that scrolling your feeds leaves you feeling down, not uplifted, try to establish boundaries. And if you feel inadequate as you browse social media, remember people tend to post their highlights, not low moments.
- Celebrate small victories:- The little things matter. Celebrating even small wins will give you the motivation to keep going until you reach your final goal. If you’re focusing on one big goal, try splitting it into steps so that you’re seeing progress. Don’t forget to reward yourself as you hit benchmarks and milestones.
- Exercise daily:- Exercise brings a wealth of positive effects to your everyday life.
- Speak up yourself:- Your opinion is important. You have the right to speak. It may be difficult people may don’t like, but the more you practice, the more confident you’ll feel.
- Embrace failure:- In order to experience growth, you’ll need to get out of your comfort zone. You’ll never develop new skills, discover new interests and passions, or experience personal growth without risks. Failure can be the better teacher if you take the time to reflect and do the work to learn from it.
- Stop looking for short-cuts:- These don’t exist when it comes to self-improvement. It takes patience and hard work. So don’t go for shortcuts. Moving forward Learning how to be the best version of yourself is a life-long journey. You’ll grow and change at each new chapter. But, with these tips, each iteration will be better than the last. It’s a lot of work, but your personal growth is worth it. We believe that everyone is capable and deserving of this transformation. We’ll help you cultivate and balance that go-getter hustle with smart moves to ensure that the steps you take will sustain your health and happiness. If you’re willing to put in the work, we’re here to support you.