- Schedule a regular block of time for "me time"
- Concentrate on Your Life’s
- Gain confidence in rejecting requests
- Honesty with yourself

Every morning, you get out of bed with a purpose. You are already aware of your goals for the day. Additionally, you are aware of the role that today plays in relation to your broader aspirations. You have a great deal of independence and peace as you go about your daily activities since you are not reliant on other people’s perceptions of you. You know how to put yourself first and not other people.
Makes it sound good, right? Yes, but it’s not normal for the majority of us. Most people spend a lot of time worrying about what other people think of them and not much time concentrating on their own ambitions. Innovating or doing something different from what everyone else is doing, like clearing debt or launching a side business, is difficult for us.
Spending time and effort on ideas and deeds that make you happy and fulfil your own needs is what it means to focus on oneself. It’s a fundamental component of self-care, which is essential for both physical and emotional wellness.
Here are some strategies to help you focus on yourself, particularly if you’re prone to saying yes to requests from others even when you don’t have the time or mental space to handle them.
Schedule a regular block of time for “me time”
Put time aside on your calendar specifically for the things that are important to you.

For example, if you want to take a stroll in the middle of the day, block off 30 minutes each day in your calendar and make sure to go on the walk.
This prevents people from booking meetings and appointments with you which means you are taking back your time, even when busy.
By preventing others from organizing meetings and appointments with you, you are regaining your time—even when you are busy.
Concentrate on Your Life’s
It’s necessary to concentrate on many aspects of your life if you want to be content. particularly the following regions:
Emotional, Intellectual, Social, Spiritual and Physical

For example, you can concentrate on various forms of self-care in these 5 areas to help you take care of your mind, body, and soul.
Gain confidence in rejecting requests
You can begin to practice saying no in order to remove extra time on your calendar. I’m not advocating that you refuse everything, but you can refuse people or things that won’t make you happy.

As an example, if you know someone who constantly begs for favours but isn’t there for you when you need them, it’s a good idea to decline their requests whenever you can.
4. Honesty with yourself
Consider carefully what makes you happy and how you might achieve balance in a way that is particular to your circumstances in life.

You can focus on yourself, for sure, but these activities must serve your authentic self.
This is just a kind reminder to concentrate on the things that make you happy rather than what you feel you ought to be doing.