How to make from blogging?
Everyone wants money in their life so that they can take care of their family and fulfill their needs & wants. But money making is not easy. It requires a lot of study, effort and ambition. So if you guys have all these you can make money.
So yes as a content writer if i talk about money then my money is coming from blogging. Yes, blogging. You all guys will be shocked after listening to this but it’s true. Today’s era is all about the internet. Everything is possible on the internet. Even money too.
So if you are scared of how to earn money by blogging than forget it from now.
Because i will tell you how to make money by blogging and the ways are:-

- Do not stick with one platform:- do not stick to a single platform for blogging like if you are using only word press then why not medium or tumbler. You can also use these platforms for blogging.
- Control your destiny:- you can post on another platform but always remember to link back to the site so that you can stay away from the traffic.
- Blogging is both about You and I:- people want conversation in blog they want to answer you so for this use i and you in your blog post so that more n more people will engage with you.
- Always ask questions:- after completing your blog post always ask a question so that people will get involved with you.
- Your content needs to be portable and easy to digest:- For example, creating video-based content or audio-based content (podcasts) are simple ways to make your content portable.
- Content isn’t king unless it’s good:- Writing mediocre content isn’t good enough. It won’t do well, and you will just be wasting time. So, don’t write content unless it is really, really, really good.
How To Make Money From Blogging? - You have to produce quality and quantity:- To increase your odds of success, you need to be willing to produce amazing content in quantity.
- It’s all about the headline:- 8 out of 10 people will read your headline, but only 2 out of 10 will click through and read the rest. So focus on creating amazing headlines, or else you won’t get tons of traffic.
- Be willing to pay the price:- If you want to succeed, you have to be willing to pay, time and energy. And if you can’t, then you have to be willing to put in money. If you don’t. then you won’t do well, no matter how brilliant of a writer or marketer you are.
Now that you know the jest for starting a blog, it’s time to break it down into actionable steps so you can be on your way to making money.